Rules to Write the Examinations
Before answering the questions enter your name, roll number, standard, division, subject and date correctly.
2. Attend carefully to any general instruction that may be given at the head of the question paper.
3. Remember that neatness, hand-writing and spellings will be taken into account.
4. Read the questions very carefully for five minutes. A great deal of time is wasted in writing down Information that is not wanted and no marks are given for it.
5. Write on both sides and number the pages.
6. Number your answer as per question paper.
7. Revise your answer papers before submitting them. students very often fail to check their answers which result in loss of marks.
8. No pupil should have in his possession in the Examination hall, any book, memorandum or notes. Any one found cheating in the Examination will be instantly expelled and disciplinary action shall be initiated.
Points for Students to Remember:
1. Never omit the lessons or home-work assigned to you, it is like missing a train that you may nevercatch afterwards.
2. Always revise the work done in class.
3. If memory work is assigned, learn it overnight and repeat it in the morning.
4. Always take down in your Hand Book the work assigned for the next day.
5. As you grow up, make a daily time-table for yourself. In this way you will learn to be a pupil of regular habits – a most valuable asset in later life.
6. Repeat at the end of the week all that was learnt during the week.
School Library Rules
- The library is open 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. on all school days and from 12:00 noon to 3:30 p.m. on Saturdays.
- Only one book at a time will be issued on scheduled days.
- No bags or purses are allowed into library.
- The library is not liable for the loss of items kept outside it.
- Students must carry their identity card with them and be prepared to show it on request.Services may not be provided without it.
- Issued items may be renewed twice, if no other members have placed a claim.
- The library reserves the right to recall any material which must be returned within one week.
- Document borrowed by a student must not be transferred to another person without their being returned to the library.
- Reference material like encyclopedia & dictionaries and current issues of magazines cannot be borrowed from the library at any time.
- On leaving the library , all the students are required to produce for inspection all documents taken out of the library.
- Each item issued must be returned to the library or renewed by the end of the period of loan.
- Fine will be charged on each overdue item.
- When the book is lost or damaged, it must be notified to the librarian immediately, the student is liable for its replacement.
- Students must not write or underline on the book or pull out pages which is issued.
- Bags are not allowed in the library and absolute silence must be maintained. Late fees of Rs.10/- per day will be charged even if the student is late in returning the book by one day.