School Uniform


*The school uniform can  be ordered from the school.

*Black shoes (No Chappals and No Sandals are permitted)

*Black Sports shoes with black socks for P.T.

*Sports Uniform from Std 1st onwards (to be ordered from school)

*Black rubber – bands or black ribbons only,for those with long hair.

Please Note

*Long hair is not to be left loose and no fancy hair style is permitted.

*Girls have to make two plaits or ponytails and use black rubber bands.

*No Jewellery is allowed except a plain wrist watch.

*No make-up or Mehandi or nail polish is permitted.

*No trimming of eye brows and bleaching of hair and face is allowed.

*The school Uniform should be washed and ironed & it should be modest length


*Short sleeved shirts & shorts(upto Std VII)Long trousers from Std

*Simple black shoes (No chappals & No Sandals are permitted) *Simple black sports shoes with black socks for P.T. *Long hair , fancy haircut or bleaching of hair is not permitted. *Failure to comply with the rules will result in the students being suspended from the school. *The school Uniform should be washed and ironed & it should be modest length

House System

The school has four house structure. The students are allotted one of the 4 houses at the time of admission & they remain in the same throughout their school tenure. The main objectives of the house system is to inculcate a sense of unity and pride. It also develops a sense of collective responsibility that motivates them to try their best to promote their house in all Inter-House competitions.

The four houses are named after four ancient icons who exemplified ‘success’ , ‘dharma’ , ‘sacrifice’ and ‘excellence’.

ARJUNA (Red): Who proved that ‘success’ is possible only with unflinching dedication and a strong will to learn.

KARNA (Blue): Who upheld the ‘dharma’ of commitment to a friend.

EKLAVYA (Green): Who symbolized ‘sacrifice’. His love and dedication for his teacher is unparallel in history.

ABHIMANYU (Yellow): Who proved that ‘excellence’ can be achieved even in a short span of time which is indicative of his extraordinary grasping ability.

Each house is headed by a House Captain assisted by Monitor.

The system of Prefectoral – Council, elected by the students managing the four houses helps to develop a spirit of team work and co-ordination.

Code Of Conduct

1. Parents should not fail to inspect and sign regularly the Terminal Examination Report of their ward(s) and also occasional messages / reports sent by the teachers through the calendar. Failure to do so may put their children to great inconvenience and render them liable to be send home at the parents’ own risk.

2. Repeated late-coming or forgetting to bring books will result in punishment.

3. Parents and Guardians are requested to make use of email and calendar for sending important messages or notes to the school authorities / class teacher. Any communication put through this calendar must be taken note of and should be duly signed.

4. Parents are expected to co-operate with School authorities by enforcing regularity and discipline not only by seeing that their children prepare their lessons, but also ensuring that they take an active and helpful interest in the activities of the school.

5. Parents are requested to check the progress of their Child from the report card/calendar after each test or examination. The test and semester examinations will be considered for promotion.

6. OPEN DAYS ARE HELD AFTER EACH TEST AND EXAMINATION. Parents are earnestly requested to meet the teachers on these days and discuss about the progress of their wards.

7. Instance of misconduct will be communicated to the parents in writing through email or through Discipline Memo .Three such instances may lead to dismissal or strict disciplinary action.

8. The engagement of private tutors at home is not desirable as being injurious to good work. It should not be done except in consultation with the Headmaster. In General, private tuitions are not encouraged, students must learn to be self reliant and not be spoon fed.

9. Teachers of Jawahar Vidyalaya schools are banned from taking any tuition of any student of Jawahar Vidyalaya schools. Engaging of a tuition teacher who is employee of Jawahar Vidyalaya schools will be viewed as a breach of disciplinary rules of the school and appropriate disciplinary actions will be initiated against the teacher and the student.

10. When communication with the school authority, Parents are requested to mention in their letters the standard and division in which their children are studying.

11. Parents are asked to pay particular attention to the Children’s attendance at school, school uniform exact in colour and pattern. Students without uniform will not be allowed to attend class.

12. Parents/Guardians or other Persons are not allowed to see the student or interview their teachers during School hours except during visiting hours(mentioned separately in this calendar) As the staff should be seen preferably in their ‘off’ periods, an appointment with the member of the staff should be arranged before-hand. No parents/ family members would be allowed to wait inside the school premises while the school is in process.

13. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience or objectionable influence are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student. Absence without written permission for leave is liable to punishment. Application for sick-leave have to be supported by a Medical Certificates / Doctors Note. No pupil suffering from contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to have to be supported by a Medical Certificates / Doctors Note. No pupil suffering from contagious or infectious disease will be permitted to attend the school until a Medical Certificate is produced that the child is free from infection.

14. Distribution of any thing other than Chocolate on your child’s birthday without permission of Administrator / H.M. / Supervisor is prohibited .

15. Parents are instructed strictly to send only Veg-Food with their ward. Non-Veg including Egg products are not allowed and prohibited inside the school premises and at the school events. Non-complaince of the same shall result in removal of your ward from the school.

16. Parents are strictly directed to carry bearer card / Visitors card while entering the school premises for security purpose. Bearer card is important for parents.

18. Parents not availing the transport facility have to carry bearer card everyday while collecting their child.

19. Unruly and misbehavior with any school authority / staff shall not be tolerated and strict disciplinary action shall be taken towards the parents. Child might be suspended for such acts by the parents.

20. Pickup and drop of your ward:- Parents must drop their children atleast 10 min before session start and reach school before 10min session is over.Parents are requested not to fetch the children from school before class is over except in case of emergencies when permission should be obtained in writing.

JVAINS Code Of Conduct

An important part of your education is the formation of a good character; good manners are the outward expression of a sound character. Good manners embrace all the spheres of a person’s life, the home ,the school, the community and the nation. The following code of conduct is a help towards the formation of sound and well balanced character.

At School

Your school is as much yours as is your home. Your school therefore has a claim over your loyalty and devotion.Always bear in mind and live up to your school motto Loyalty through service. Your school expects you to be an honest, hard working and upright person. Be prompt and diligent in your studies. Cultivate a love for knowledg. Develop sound and methodical study habits.

Be kind, polite and respectful in your dealings with your masters and teachers. Take good care of your school premises. Do not carelessly throw paper on the floor, drop ink in the desks or scribble on the walls. Never let your school by your misconduct. Give a good account of yourself wherever you go.

Towards Your Companions

Always be polite in your dealings with your companions. Be considerate about the need of others.
Cherish the good name of others as you would cherish yours. Be willing to see the other person’s point of view. Do not make fun of the personal defects of others. Admit that you do not have all the answers to all the problems of the world. Never laugh at the social customs, religious beliefs and observances of others. Be slow to anger and to give offence. Should you hurt someone, be willing to apologies for your offence. Forgive others as God forgives you. Express a kind word of thanks for any service rendered to you. Never keep for yourself what belongs to others. In short, do unto others as you would expect others to do unto you.

Towards Yourself

Pay due attention to your personal cleanliness. Take bath daily. See that your ears, neck, nails and teeth are clean. Personal appearance is also important. Your clothes must be clean, your hair combed and your shoes well polished.

Avoid picking your nose, ears, teeth or hair while in the company of others. Avoid loud coughing, Belching, sniffing, yawning when in the company of others. Use a handkerchief while sneezing’.

Keep your mouth closed habitually. All breathing should be done through the nose. Food is meant to nourish the body. Eat to live. But do not live to eat.

Watch your manner while at table. Do not eat noisily. Stand erect; do not use the wall or any other object to support yourself.

Sit upright; never lean over your desk in a clumsy manner. Do not drag your feet while walking. Walk at a brisk measured pace. Let your manner of speech be gentle. Do not be too loud or Vulgar in your speech.

See that your belongings are kept tidily. Do not scatter your clothes, books, shoes in a haphazard way. Be punctual for you appointment and honour all your commitments.

To sum up always remember that wherever you are, whatever you may be, you carry with you the good name of your family, the dignity of your school and the reputation of your community and Nation. Be sure that you always give a good account of yourself.